Baby got back, u mad?

Jesus Christ. There is so much fat hate these days. Vitrolic, angry, (mostly) men that cannot STAND a woman being both fat and happy. God forbid she be vocal about it on top of that.

Dudes. I am tired of this shit. I am barreling around the sun past age 30 at 66,000 mph on this now barely habitable rock and I seriously do not have time for the bullshit wanky dudes try to impose on me. TDDR (too dumb don't read); I am getting old and therefore less tolerant of some of this bullsh.

I have lived almost all my life as a fat girl. I have always been bigger than my friends, and even as a competitive swimmer in high school or a severely depressed exercise addict in college I never weighed less than 140 (I weigh an impressive 180 now) and I was never smaller than a size 12 (size 14 now). There are several reasons for this:

1. SOME genetics. My dad's side is full of diabetic heart attack and stroke survivors living in rural Wisconsin where deep-fried cheese is part of the food pyramid. I take after my dad's side. I am 30 and my cholesterol is already making my doctor nervous.
2. I love food.
3. I hate exercise.

I imagine the major contributing factors are #s 2 and 3 as I am stubborn and willful and have been able to out-maneuver most other things I am genetically predisposed to (like conservative republicanism). Food is so good though. In bitterness of old age I don't (really) drink and I never use drugs so I don't really have a vice. Food has filled that hole nicely. I would rather shame eat an entire pizza (gluten free so it is like, half the size of a regular what I tell myself through the tears) in bed watching Empire farting under the covers than out at a bar paying a lot of money for drinks (money better spent on pizza) and holding my farts while simultaneously trying to make polite conversation. Just not that into it.

And man, fuck exercise. I don't understand the psyche of people who LOVE working out. Every time I drag my sorry ass to the gym that smells like oxidizing iron bars and feet I am super crabby about it. And being the only fatty at the gym in a sea of lithe brooklynites makes the fact that I can only make it 30 minutes on the elliptical without collapsing into a red-faced sweaty heap particularly pathetic. I never feel good after exercising either. I (sometimes) do it anyway, cardio AND weights, but I always feel terrible afterward and no amount of green juice/stretching/saunaing can soothe. Even walking makes me ache. See aforementioned old age. Where is my soup? UPDATE: Joined a zumba class, still hate exercise.

There is some really effing intense vitriol toward people who are fat out there. I googled the phrase "fat girl" to make sure this post has not been written by a person smarter than me and I got a website post comparing fat women to HITLER and NAZIS.  Seriously, I will murder a pepperoni pizza, but in the course of adding those additional 1700 calories to my diet I never once considered exterminating an entire race of humans.  Don't believe me? Here are some highlights:

" I do treat them not so much like Nazis and child molesters…but like living corpses." -Asshole

"I’m already thinking of the ways to shame fat people out of my life. "-Another asshole

"However fat girls are useful if you find yourself lost on Hoth at night without a shelter, you can just disembowel the fat girl and sleep inside her to stay warm until the search party finds you the next morning."-A third but sadly not final asshole

Despite my deep appreciation for the star wars reference I have a hard time believing that a guy making a Star Wars reference on a website dedicated to hating fat women is doing super well for himself. In fact, I am certain that georgelucasfan77 has tried to take home fat girls from bars and, assuming that fat girls are lonely and desperate for any D that might flop her way, was SHOCKED when he was turned down. Imagine his receding hairline going all red and sweaty as he realized what he thought would be an instant, grateful BJ turned into what for him would be the most humiliating retreat back home to the usual.

Fat girls aren't lonely. Fat girls aren't desperate. Fat girls don't need to be validated by male attention. And, LEZBE HONEST, fat chicks are damn good lays. Not out of desperation, but because women in general are better at sex than men. TRUTH BRO. Fat chicks, skinny chicks, know their way, around dumb dicks. I can't really go into detail because I know my mother is probably reading this, but suffice it to say that the words, "I may have seen the face of God" have been uttered in my presence in very unholy circumstance. 


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